Pritchard Bond Architects
Pritchard Bond Architects

Contact us

Pritchard Bond Architects


Tel: 01492 593051


Alternatively please email Steve at

Office hours 9.00am - 5.00pm Mon -Fri


Please note PBA is not currently taking on any  new projects/commissions



At Pritchard Bond Architects we cater our services to  individual client's needs  including:


Dimensional Surveys and preparation of Autocad Drawings

Feasibility Studies

Initial scheme design

Outline and Full planning Applications

Listed building consent

Detail Design

Tendering and cost control 

Project Management

Contract management  

CDM Coordinator Services

Grant funding application Assistance


And with projects ranging from  Award-winning listed building restorations  through to new-build commercial offices,  a plethora of housing projects, (including extensions) and even a boat storage compound and tidal slipway, you can be assured you will find we have the necessary experience and expertise to deal effectively with your project.

1. Consultancy

When necessary we will bring in additional consultants including:  Quantity Surveyors, Structural engineers and Mechanical and Electrical consultants either appointed directly by you, or  if needs be through Pritchard Bond Architects to  provide you with a one-stop shop  appointment and of course one point of contact.

If you would like to discuss your particular project with us:

Call us on 01492 593051.


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